Ducray Kelual Emulsion 50 ML


Ducray Kelual Keratoreducing Emulsion Infant Cradle Cap Scaly Skin Infants Babies 50ml eliminates the scales and soothes the irritation of the face and the scalp.

This emulsion contains a patented active substance calles keluamid, which encourages the elimination of scales in flaking skin.

Used as a complement to treatments for facial seborrhoeic dermatitis and cradle cap in infants, Kelual Emulsion helps relieve itching and soothes redness frequently associated with these conditions. * USE
Apply to a clean and dry skin. Let stand in case of seborrheic dermitis.

A distinct improvement is visible from the 1st week of use, but it is advisable to continue the treatment for 1 month to maintain the good results.

Read the precautions for use.
Indication: Cradle cap in infant, scaly and irritated skin.

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