Listerine Total Care Zero 250 ML


Fight Germs  It fights up to 97% of germs left behind after brushing.
Power through plaque   It reduces plaque up to 30% more than just brushing alone.
Prevent Gingivitis  It fights germs above and below the gum line to prevent gum problems and keep them healthy.
Keep Teeth naturally white  It helps prevent tartar build up to keep teeth naturally white.
Protect Against Cavities  It strengthens tooth enamel to protect against decay that causes cavities.
Provide long lasting fresh breath  It provides up to 24 hours of bad breath protection if used twice a day. How should you use LISTERINE® TOTAL CARE ZEROTM?

Use twice daily, in the morning and evening after brushing. Pour 20ml (4*5 ml teaspoonfuls) into a glass, rinse around teeth and gums for 30 seconds, and spit it out. Use 10ml for children between 6 and 12 years old.

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